
Lawn Fungus Disease

Lawn funguses can destroy your lawn if not addressed properly, and the sooner the better to minimize damage. Here are some signs of lawn fungus diseases, and the best ways to keep them under control.

  • Patches of silver-gray or bleached-white turf
  • A pinkish cast to your lawn
  • Purplish-brown spots with lighter centers on grass blades

Healthy lawns have an easier time standing up to fungus diseases, so regular fertilization, aerating and mowing with a sharp blade are helpful (mowing with a dull blade can shred grass tips, making it easier for fungus spores to enter the plants). It’s also important to water less often and more deeply, since fungus spores spread in water.

If fungus disease does appear, a prompt fungicide treatment can improve your lawn’s chances for recovery and decrease the potential for long-term damage. Please call us right away if you suspect fungus disease in your lawn. If fungus disease does appear, a prompt fungicide treatment can improve your lawn’s chances for recovery and decrease the potential for long-term damage. Please call us right away if you suspect fungus disease in your lawn.

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